The Harmageddons
Here lies the review section for Sabbatikal Harmageddons…harmageddons? To the uninitiated these SABBAT releases are in similar fashion to VENOM”s Assault series on record, which are of unreleased and ‘live’ materials. Titled after the continents of the world, example Canadian Assault, Japanese Assault and so on. While the SABBAT’s version are called Harmageddons and in the form of 7” record except for the Japanese Harmageddon 12” record. Similarly, they are in ultra limited copies…but rest easy, 3 more harmageddons will be released in the twilight months of this year. They weren’t released prior to the unvealing of this zine so they are not featured. Look for them when they are ready for dekapitation and review them yourself…the demonize year 2000 sabbatikal sawblades are….
1. Sabbatical Magicrest - Dietsland Harmageddon by Berzerker records in 2000.
2. Sabbatical Magicrypt - French Harmageddon by EAL pro in the end of 2000.
3. Antarctic Harmageddon LP by HMSS/FETU in Spring -Winter of 2000.
The Total Harmageddon Check List :
1. Live 666 - Japanese Harmageddon LP 1996
2. European Harmageddon PIC DISC 7" 1997
3. Scandinavian Harmageddon 7" EP 1997
4. East European Harmageddon 7" 1998
5. American Harmageddon 7" 1998
6. Asian Halmageddon 7" 1998
7. African Harmageddon 7" 1998
8. Oceanic Harmageddon - Live 666 Single Edition 7" EP 1999
9. South American Harmageddon 7" EP 1999
10 .Sabbatical Magicurse - Baltic Harmageddon 7"EP 2000
11. Sabbatical Magicrucifixion - Iberian Harmageddon 7"
12. Sabbatical Magicrest- Dietsland Harmageddon by Berzerker records in 2000.
13. Sabbatical Magicrypt- French Harmageddon by EAL pro in the end of 2000.
14. Antarctic Harmageddon LP by HMSS/FETU in Spring -Winter of 2000.
All reviews baptized by the sabbatikal vinyl sodomizer, NecroCock Destructor.
Live 666 - Japanese Harmageddon 12” LP
(Evil Records 666-HS1, Japan 1996)

The tracks :
Side A
A1. In Satan We Trust
A2. Total Necro...
A3. Beyond the River
A4. Satan Bless You
Side B
B1. Bird of Ill Omen
B2. Mion’s Hill
B3. Black Fire
This 12” LP marks the first harmageddon attack on the world. In years to come, several more will follow suit in the form of 7” sawblades. This was recorded live at Music Farm Nagoya 6 June 1996 & mastered at Witch’s Mill Studio. Samm (guitars) & Ozny(guitars) appears respectively on Mion’s Hill & Black Fire. You can the hear the crowds during the show on this one.
Japanese pressing on limited hand-numbered copies of 300 on Evil Records. My copy, 290/300. Include lyric sleeve insert. Record plays at 33rpm.
European Harmageddon 7”EP
(Merciless Records/Evil Records MREP004/666-HS2, Germany 1997)

The tracks :
Side A
Side B
. Gokkanma
This second sign of harmageddon appeared in the night skies of Germany. The song ‘Satanician’ is a raging number with heavy rumbling bass, growled vocals and catchy melodic parts. Reminds me so much of Bathory’s first LP.
On the other side, ‘Gokkanma’(Devils of Coldness), is a pretty uptempo song with high-pitched Japanese sung vocals. The song’s riff was written by Zorugelion’s with Temis Osmond’s lyrics,exclusive to this release.The song is derived from a Japanese myth of a beautiful evil woman that appear during blizzards & is capable of freezing anything on sight.
The lyrics of both songs are printed on the cover sleeve. Record to be spun at 33rpm. Limited to 500 copies without dividual numbering.
Scandinavian Harmageddon 7”EP
(Primitive Art Productions/Evil Records PAR-014/666-HS3, Sweden 1997)

The tracks :
Side A
A1.Bleeding From the Ear
A2.Reek of Cremation (‘Live’ 96)
Side B
The third Harmageddon warhead annihilated Sweden, launched from Primitive Arts Productions. Carrying 3 lethal payloads, ‘Bleeding From the Ear’, ‘Reek of Cremation’ & ‘Jumu’. The 1st song on side-A, ‘Bleeding From the Ear’ has great riffs much in the fashion of NWOHBM(New Wave of British Heavy Metal) with a great chorus of the track title. This song could only be found on this sawblade & no where else.
The 2nd song on side-A, ‘Reek of Cremation’ (which first appeared on ‘Envenom’ CD in 91) was recorded ‘live’ from Music Farm, Japan 12th May ’96. The side-B track, ‘Jumu’, is a really cool song…you’ll have to listen to it to understand what I mean…a mid-tempo song with alternating fast-paced parts. The vocals are sung in Japanese. What makes the song totally unique is the ‘dizzying’ bass riffing that would be great to listen to when you are heavily intoxicated.,,I;ve tried it, the works, man!
This song, however, makes me want to make silly faces and grow horns while headbanging to it. This song is also exclusive to this release. The idea for this song is derived from JOHN CARPENTER’S “THE FOG”. I haven’t the faintest idea whether it’s a book or a movie flick. Anyway its about hordes of evil spirits that invades a tiny fishing village No lyric sheet available. Record to be played at 33rpm. Limited to 500 hand-numbered copies. My copy, 331/500
East European Harmageddon 7”EP
(View Beyond Records/Evil Records VB0018/666-HS4, Czech Republic 1998)

The tracks :
Strana A
. Sabbat
Strana B
. Snow Woman
SABBAT returns to Europe once again with a fourth Harmageddon onslaught on Czechoslavakia. Gezol scream-sing on the thrashing song ‘Sabbat’ on side/strana A. The song is however not about the band but of the ritual sabbat itself. The lyrics to ‘Snow Woman’ is similar with the idea behind ’Gokkanma’ on the European 7” pic-disc Harmageddon of a beautiful evil woman that appear during blizzards with freezing powers. The music is different, though the idea is the same.The bridge of the song has a nice traditional Jap style ‘Enka’ riffing.
Lyrics printed on light green sleeve. Record to be played at 45rpm.
White vinyl. Limited to 300 hand-numbered copies. My copy 190/300.
American Harmageddon 7"EP
(Holycaust Records/Evil Records S810/666-HS5, US 1998)

The tracks :
Side A
.The Well of Wrath
(Kanashibari Part 6}
Side B
.Another Collection
(Dwelling II)
Fifth on the Harmageddon Death row – America. This is a sequel 7” where the Kanashibari series continues where it left off and also a spin-off of the ‘Dwelling’ CD.
The Kanashibari Song Series:
Kanashibari- Possessed the Room ('The Seven Deadly Sins' 7" EP 1990)
Kanashibari part 1('Bloody Countess' Tape 1991)
Kanashibari part2- Deathtemptation ('Envenom' CD 1991)
Kanashibari part4- Ghost in the mirror ('Disembody CD 1993)
Kanashibari part5- The Exorcism ('Fetishism' CD 1994)
Kanashibari 6- The Well of Wrath ('American Harmageddon' 7" 1998)
Temis Osmond, guitars, wrote the lyrics to The Well of Wrath, which is about demons that were once exile to hell
re-surfacing to kill. It begins with a distinct intro with a ‘choir’ like singing and gloomy guitarworks and intenses when drums enter the tray. The song alternates in this fashion.A touch of synthwork adds to the gothic feel of the song in the later part. A black/white picture of a distorted face appears on the label on this side of the record while a ghastly face with empty eye sockets occupies the label on the other side.The sequel to the ‘Dwelling’’ on Side B fades in with a riff & continues off with constant drummings in the earlier parts. Various beats occupy the other parts much like the orchestration on the die-hard ‘Dwelling CD’. The song ends off with some synthwork and fades-out towards the end.
Lyrics printed on blue sleeve. Record to be played at 33rpm.Gray vinyl. Limited to 300 hand-numbered copies. My copy 145/300
Asian Harmageddon 7"
(Evil Records J001ER666-HS6, China 1998)

The tracks :
Side A .Takaightenshow
Side B .Rinnereighshi
Sabbat invades Asia with the sixth Harmageddon. This 7” differs from the rest of the harmageddons as the pictures of the individual members of the band are potraited as simple and geeky looking drawn Japanese cartoon with short & neat haircuts. Not bad at all, just different from the rest of the release which has the band in extreme poses. It’s also interesting enough to know that China has the facility for record pressing, as this EP proves. Talk about ‘Made in China’ & ‘R.O.C’. I have nothing against this country, it’s just relatively special to the aspect of being Asian made.
Both tracks found here are exclusive to this 7” . Separate Lyric sheet included (all lyrics in Japanese). Record to be played at 33rpm. Limited to 300 hand-numbered copies. My copy 147/300.
African Harmageddon 7"
(Mganga Records/Evil Records Uchavi001/ER666-HS7, Tanzania 1998)

The tracks :
Side A . Black FIre (Swahili version)
Side B . Splatter ‘98
The final Harmageddon released in ’98. A total of 4 were released during that year. A bonus for the fans, banned X-rated cover. Listen to it or use it as a sex toy.
My version with the pussy. ‘Black Fire’ is given a new rendition with an African version. A Japanese & English version of this song have been done before. ‘Splatter’ first appeared on the Bloody Countess tape in ’91. I believe this song was inspired by a slasher movie with the same title.The labels on the record’s potrays a pussy also but ,interestingly, with the hole for the spindle well placed on the lips of the vagina…wooohooo!! Have a fuck! Put anything you could think of through it…try putting your filthy cock in…if it fits, it’s one hell of a tight fucking cunt & you have one hell of small dick. HAAHAAHAAA!!
To hell with safe-sex…play or fuck it…always..LOUD AND RAW!!
Lyrics printed on light yellow sleeve. Lyrics for ‘Black Fire’ in Swahili. Transparent red vinyl. Released with two different X-rated covers.Limited to 300 hand-numbered copies. Record to be played at 45rpm. My copy 103/300.
Oceanic Harmageddon Live 666 Single Edition 7" EP
(Way of Life Records/Evil Records WOLR1/ER666-HS9, Australia 1999)

The tracks :
Side A
.Satanic Rites
.Disembody Into the Abyss
Side B
.Curdle the Blood
.Dead March
The first Harmageddon released in ‘99 from the land of hopping marsupials. The second Harmageddon that features ’live’ tracks…first being the Japanese Harmageddon. Though the tracks were recorded from the same venue as the Japanese Harmageddon, these tracks here weren’t found on the Jap Harmageddon. Whole bunch of screaming & yelling maniacs could be heard. The cover sleeve is littered with a collage of SABBAT, a feast for your eyes while you feast your ears. The labels on the record on either side has a picture of a toy doll with corpsepainting!! Which looked like ‘The Bride of Chucky’…GRUUUUEEESOOOMMME!
Recorded live at Music Farm Nagoya 6 June 1996. No Lyrics Available. Record to be played at 33rpm. Limited to 300 hand-numbered copies.My copy 275/300
South American Harmageddon 7" EP
(Mega Therion Records/Sylphorium Records/Evil Records MTSS1/SRSD1/ER666-HS8, Brasil/Colombia 1999)

The tracks :
Jurassic Jade Side
. Terror Beast
. Hello Darkness
Sacrifice Side
. Destroy - Witch Hunt
. Friday Nightmare
This is not “Tribute”…This is Blasphemous Nightmare” says so the sleeve…I have yet to hear the songs from both Japanese bands that SABBAT covers. You have them? Send me a dubb A.S.A.P.!
This was released as a join effort by three labels. And, yes…you’ve seen this before…on the cover of this zine with special significance to Steel Madness perversion with nudity! Tie up the bitch & blow your horn in the name of Metal!!
A re-release version (limited 300) of this sawblade were released by Sylphorium records in August 2000. No Lyrics Available. Record to be played at 33rpm. Limited to 400 hand-numbered copies. My copy 156/400.
Sabbatikal Magicurse- Baltic Harmageddon
7" EP
(Sadistic Sodomizer/Evil Records SS-001/ER666-HS10, Latvia 2000)

The tracks :
Side A
. Incubus Succubus
Side B
B1. Possessed Hammer (Tribute to Possessed Hammer)
B2. Whisper of Demon
The fourth European Attack, this time on Latvia. Another piece of sawblade with excellent sleeve work…pictorial of a swinal orgy. The title of the song on Side A sounds extremely familiar. Any guesses? Total holocaust is what you get for this song…
Constant drum beats throught out, with a jap style riffing in true blacking Sabbatikal style in the mid section & continues off as how it starts…bang your head for SABBAT! On side B, 2 vinyl attacks – a song in tribute to Possessed Hammer & a song off the Evoke CD.
The tribute song is a blistering brutal thrash massacre with a great shout-a-long chorus of the song title!! Whisper of Demon, a great classic of the Evoke era… Thundering drumming with various beats & riffs..totally brilliant built-up & climax sections…echoeing off into a riff at the end!
Separate Lyrics on 2 card-sheetsLimited to 400 hand-numbered copies.Record to be played at 33rpm. My copy 184/300.
Sabbatikal MagiCrucixion- Iberian Harmageddon 7" EP
(Hibernia Productions/Evil Records HB02V/ER666-HS11, Portugal 2000)

The tracks :
Side A
. Envenom Into the Witches Hole
Side B
The fifth infernal European appearance descended on Portuguese grounds in 2000. I’m quite dissatisfied with this sawblade due to the layout…too simple! Lame layout on maroon-colored sleeve without any indication of playing speed for
record. Just hope more effort could put in next time when this label releases more Sabbat sawblades…probably just an indifference in taste on my part…monotone…always best!
I discovered that 45rpm is best for playing the record. Despite this, the music is never at a compromise… It is great to hear a ressurrection of an eternal classic of the Envenom era on Side A. On Side B, another classick stomping the earth once again…off the ‘Fetishism’ CD.
Both trax recorded ‘live’ from Music Farm, 8th September 1 great shout-a-long 996 & remastered at Witch’s Mill Studio in 2000. No Lyric sheet available. Limited to 500 hand-numbered copies.Record to be played at 45rpm. My copy 055/500. |